美国彭博商业周刊『Bloomberg Businessweek』─美国最具影响力的商业杂志,自2006年推出全球唯一国际版,深入报导现今的商业、财经、管理趋势,精准专业的分析预测赢得各界商业人士的信任,470万读者都是追求成功的专业高阶人士,帮助他们在现代複杂的经济社会中找到成功之钥。
Bloomberg Businessweek is an American weekly business magazine published by Bloomberg L.P. Businessweek was founded in 1929. The magazine was created to provide information and interpretation about what was happening in the business world.It is headquartered in New York City. Megan Murphy was appointed editor of the magazine in November 2016. The magazine is published 47 times a year.